
Planeta Formación y Universidades participates in the 2nd Edition of the Atresmedia Metafuturo Forum

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From 16 to 19 October, Atresmedia held the second edition of its 'Metafuturo' forum, the event that analyses and debates the lines of development that will mark the coming years in the world, as well as the pending global challenges.

Through different presentations, the changes that are coming in issues such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Disruptive Technology, Sustainability and Energy, Economy and Finance and Smart Cities, as well as other strategic issues, have been analysed.  Speakers at the event included Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitri Muratov, engineer and data scientist Frances Haugen and AI expert David Rowan. They were joined by leading Spanish politicians and business leaders who offered the keys to the leadership of the future.

In this context, we have been present through the participation of Segundo Píriz, rector of UNIE University. Píriz held a talk with the presenter Marina Monzón on the challenges of the University of the 21st century, stressing that it is necessary to have "a university of the future that is committed to values and that puts the student at the centre". In relation to professional opportunities, Píriz explained that "most of the professions of the future are not defined, so it is necessary to encourage a critical spirit and educate students so that they can adapt to the new changing reality".

In addition, he pointed out the growing importance of teachers. "I see a university of the future where the teacher will be more important than ever. The university is not only teaching. The first mission is the transmission of knowledge, to train educated, free and caring citizens", he said.

If you missed Segundo's speech and would like to watch the session, click here (time: 7:23:34)

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